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Food for Body Detox  

When you are thinking about a body detox plan, there is a good chance that you are suffering from all the signs of having too many toxins your system; you are lethargic, tired all the time, and probably fighting depression on top of it. When you are looking for ways towards a full body detox, you'll find that you are often told to eat better, but what does that mean? The fact is, there are many foods that you can eat that will have an excellent whole body detox effect on you, so make sure that you stock up the next time that you are at the grocery store!

1. Broccoli Spears:
You'll find that broccoli has some very powerful antioxidants at work in it, and they are also hard at work when it comes to be an enzyme stimulator. Many people balk from eating this vegetable, but try it again as an adult, even if you hated it as a little kid; this is surprisingly tasty when steamed and it is used in many a body detox recipe.

2. Lemons
Not only do lemons provide you with a good dose of Vitamin C, you'll find that it can be a great way to keep your body regulated as well. Mix up some fresh-squeezed lemonade and make sure that you drink it down; lemons contain some powerful antioxidants in form that is very easy to absorb into your system during a body detox plan.

3. Leafy greens - In a word, salads! Leafy green vegetables can be integrated into any body detox recipe and you'll find that the chlorophyll in them helps you sweep out toxins that include heavy metals and pesticides. Leafy greens are excellent for the liver. Make sure that you choose the heftier types of lettuces, though; iceberg lettuce doesn't have very much when it comes to nutrients, but romaine and spinach are excellent.

4. Garlic
Lets hope you like Asian food or Italian food, because one of the best detox foods for you out there is garlic. When you are sick, the sulfur in garlic can help

kill of the germs, and you'll find that it is quite powerful when it comes to helping protect your heart and your liver. You'll find that eating garlic is one of the healthiest things that you can do on a body detox diet.

5. Fish
When you are looking to do a home body detox, you should typically stay away from meats, but fish for the most part is significantly better for you than any sort of red meats. Not only will you get a good complement of the good kind of oils, you will also see that eating salmon and halibut can help your body cleanse itself of cravings for heavier meats.

6. Just about any kind of fruit
Fruits are great because they can help you beat a craving for refined sugars when you are easing into a body detox diet. Take some time and figure out what fruits you like. Many nutritionists are saying that red fruits are great for helping you detox, so pile on the cranberries and strawberries. You'll find that fruit can be a great way to kill hunger pangs and to have some really wonderfully tasty treats at any point in the day.

This is the beginning of great foods to eat when you are looking forward to a body detox plan, so don't stop here! Look for more ways that you can do some spring cleaning on your body!



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